Comprehensive Assessments at Code-4 Counseling

At Code-4 Counseling, we are committed to empowering individuals through comprehensive assessments that illuminate their unique strengths, challenges, and areas for growth. Please note that we do not offer fitness-for-duty or pre-employment evaluations. Our assessment services are designed to enhance treatment planning and provide targeted support for our clients.

Our skilled team of professionals is dedicated to addressing a wide range of assessment needs. Explore our diverse offerings below:

ADHD Assessments

Gain a clearer understanding of attention and focus with our ADHD assessments. Designed for individuals of all ages, these evaluations identify specific challenges and lay the foundation for effective strategies and interventions.

Psycho-Educational Assessments

Our psycho-educational assessments delve into the cognitive, academic, and emotional factors that influence learning. These insights are invaluable for guiding educational planning and providing targeted support.

Developmental Assessments

Tailored for individuals across the lifespan, our developmental assessments evaluate key milestones and identify potential areas of concern. Early intervention is key, and our assessments equip you with the information needed for informed decision-making.

Social & Emotional Assessments

These evaluations shed light on emotional regulation, social skills, and mental health, enabling personalized interventions for enhanced well-being. Specifically, our clients are often learning to understand how trauma has affected their social and emotional functioning, such as their ability to regulate emotions, interact socially, or maintain relationships. Social and Emotional assessments can help to identify specific emotional or behavioral challenges resulting from trauma and inform targeted interventions.

Mental Health Evaluations

Our mental health evaluations offer a comprehensive overview of emotional and psychological well-being. We collaborate closely with clients and their support systems to develop personalized strategies for mental health improvement.

Full-Battery Assessments

For a holistic view of an individual’s strengths, challenges, and areas for growth, our full-battery assessments provide a thorough and detailed evaluation across multiple domains.

Understanding Yourself Begins Here

At Code-4 Counseling, our team of experienced and compassionate professionals is dedicated to delivering accurate assessments with personalized recommendations. We take a holistic approach, considering every facet of an individual’s life to provide a comprehensive understanding.

Every assessment is tailored to the unique needs of the individual, ensuring that our recommendations are both effective and meaningful. Begin your journey towards a deeper understanding of yourself or your loved one by scheduling a consultation with us today.