Training & Supervision
Wellness training for first responders and their families can help individuals grow personally and professionally. Personal development involves assisting individuals in identifying their interests, goals, and values. In contrast, professional development focuses on providing skills and experiences needed to succeed in an organization and enhancing job knowledge and performance. Wellness training is vital for those in service-related professions, as it provides them with the tools they need to proactively manage stress to support themselves and their families. Our most requested training includes:
Peer Support Training (Basic & Advanced)
Academy and In-Service Training
Critical Incident Response Training
Couples and Family Education(“Date Nights,” & Family Academy)
Speaking Engagements
Peer Support Training (Basic & Advanced)
Peer Support definitely helps individuals work through their challenges, but it can also better the culture of an organization or community. It provides a safety net and driving force during change. Effective peer support programs remain flexible and adapt to new resources and challenges. Effective programs are also run by peers, and leaders support and trust the program. The model from CODE-4 focuses on professions in high-stress, public safety areas; it maintains that flexibility and delivers results.
The L•A•W•S workshop is customized to each agency we work with to account for the unique culture and challenges the agency would like to see addressed. These workshops are typically facilitated by Nick Metz (Retired Police Chief) and Dr. Sara Metz, Psy.D. Depending on the agency's individual needs, the workshops can be facilitated by one or both.
We also tailor training or events to your agency or orginization. Our training is based on sound research and applied to your community. We recognize that there can be different needs between professions and even between different agencies or organizations.
Couples and Family Education
Critical Incident Response Training
Speaking Engagements
Academy and In-Service Training
Not sure what your agency or organization’s needs are?
We also conduct wellness assessments that will provide you with recommendations on training that will benefit your organization.