Douglas County Detective Almost Died On The Job. Now He’s Helping Others Live.

(August 27, 2019)

Hart Van Denburg/CPR News

From Colorado Public Radio

Douglas County Detective Dan Brite was shot on the job in 2016 and nearly died. He now works with the Sheriff's Office to help his colleagues cope with stress.

More police officers die by suicide than from job-related injuries in the United States. From school shootings to child abuse to car crashes, officers are expected to remain calm while responding to gruesome scenes. But the memories can linger and have devastating effects.  It's why places like Douglas County, south of Denver, are trying to get ahead of the problem. Detective Dan Brite is the wellness coordinator for the Douglas County Sheriff's Office. He was shot on the job and nearly died. Now he works to help other officers cope with the stress and trauma that come with being in law enforcement.

Dan is now working with CODE-4, and It’s A Calling Foundation and is well on his way to becoming a license mental health provider.


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